Promoting and supporting the mutual benefits of hiring skilled autistic job-seekers into careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Math (STEAM).


Do you identify as autistic or on the autism spectrum? Do you have the post-secondary education and training to work in science, technology, engineering, the arts and math but are struggling to find or maintain suitable employment? Level It Up is here to help!


Looking for new talent who can bring their diverse perspectives and niche skills into your workforce? Let us help you connect to some amazing job seekers!

Our flexible, self-paced e-Learning platform empowers autistic job seekers to build their employment readiness as they pursue their chosen careers.
Our program combines practical tools…Whether you are an autistic job seeker, or a career development professional seeking tailored resources for your clients, Level It Up Learning offers a unique, inclusive approach to success.


Fast Facts

autism spectrum in Canada

In Canada, among children and youth 5 – 17 years of age, 1 in 50 (or 2%) have been diagnosed on the autism spectrum. Of these, 56% received their diagnosis by age 6 and more than 90% by the age of 12. Many remain un- or under-diagnosed, especially upon reaching adulthood and even more especially, when they are female.

five thousand teens

Over the next decade, an estimated 500,000 teens (50,000 each year) will enter adulthood and age out of school-based autism services. With only a 20% employment rate in Canada, many talented individuals are being left out of our workforce.

headphones and other accomodation

Accommodation may be as simple as wearing noise cancelling headphones, being seated in a quieter area, adjusting local lighting to be less bright/glaring, and using direct and clear communication processes.

two women sitting at a table and talking

Training & Assessment

For autistic job seekers, our process provides much needed information and insights into their employability skills and aptitudes.

Our training and assessment process covers a range of topics and performance indicators that better prepare job seekers identifying as autistic for the world of work. We have an online learning management system to accommodate learners who may also be in post-secondary education and training or would other benefit from this format.

personal workstation with day planner, coffee cup, plant, and pens

Success Stories


In 2020, at the beginning of the pandemic, Damon was laid off from his job at a call centre after 5 y of full time employment with glowing performance reviews. This came as quite a blow to his self-confidence and required major changes in his work/life schedule and balance. While Damon qualified for the Canadian Economic Recovery Benefit and Employment Insurance, his is driven to work, to continue contributing to his community and to finding new roles where his…

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