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Daniel S

Data Analyst/Physicist/Tutor

Data Analyst/Physicist/Tutor

With a PhD in Physics, Daniel is a highly academic thinker and has extensive knowledge in a wide range of areas including data analysis, theoretical physics, nano-technology, software development, and curriculum development. 

See his portfolio here:  https://medium.com/@mbschindel13/daniel-schindel-data-analyst-portfolio-9aab30fcc0ec

Summary of Mind Map Results

  • Work Ethic: Excellent punctuality and motivation to complete the job on time and with the desired quality.
  • Approaching Tasks: Very motivated and methodical in his approach. Very comfortable with task performance.  Excellent skills and aptitudes, including critical thinking and abstract reasoning.
  • Accuracy: Excellent attention to detail, use of logic, mathematics, and writing skills.  Quality is above and beyond expectations.
  • Efficiency: Familiar tasks are readily completed; may require additional time to master new or unfamiliar tasks but good at developing processes and implementing efficiencies.
  • Proficiency: Excellent endurance and perseverance through both challenging and mundane tasks.
  • Mindfulness: Mindful of others, property and equipment.  Works in an orderly manner.
  • Involvement: Independent thinker who takes responsibility for his work and performance once clear parameters are set and described. Very good at collaborating with others.
  • Authority and Teamwork: Works best when tasks and roles are defined.  Can work with a wide range of skill sets in a respectful manner.

Accommodation:   Daniel works best understanding the meaning and motivation behind the work he is involved with.  Ensure a common understanding of expectations, needs, and performance measures.  He may benefit from having a pet project to occupy his downtime. Use verbal and written communication to more accurately gauge his interest and enthusiasm. 

Highlights of Qualifications

  • SQL (advanced queries, stored procedures, SQL Server, MySQL)
  • MS Excel (advanced formulas, VBA macros, pivot tables, data connections, form controls)
  • Tableau
  • Statistical analysis (multivariate regression, z-score, gaussian uncertainty analysis)
  • Python, C++, Java, HTML/CSS, PHP, Maple, Perl, VB, Pascal, Basic, Tynker, Scratch
  • Linux network administration
  • Can navigate well in LaTeX, UNIX, Linux (Ubuntu, Red Hat), DOS, Windows, LyX, IOS, and all versions of Windows
  • Exceptional written communication skills
  • Extensive familiarity with MS Office (Excel, Word, Outlook, and PowerPoint)
  • Extensive teaching and tutoring experience
  • Extensive knowledge of Switching Mechanisms for Optical Systems of Nanoscopic Proportions
  • Extensive knowledge of Nuclear and Condensed Matter Theory
  • Research interests include nanomaterials, photonic crystals, semiconductor nanostructures, light-matter interaction, quantum optics, many-body theories (density matrix approach)


Ph. D. Physics (2013)                         

University of Western Ontario

Dissertation title: “The Study of Optoelectronics in Semiconductor and Metallic 

Nanoparticle Hybrid systems”

Dissertation advisor: Professor Mahi R. Singh

M. Sc. Physics (2006)                           

Michigan State University

Focused course-work on nuclear and condensed matter theory.

B. Sc. (Hons.)  Physics (2004)             

University of Manitoba

Professional Accomplishments

  • Taught several of the Microsoft Office utilities with an emphasis on Excel
  • Demonstrated sound teaching and exceptional interpersonal skills tutoring students online, primarily in math and physics grade 9 – first year University
  • Received Award of Excellence in Administration (2011)
  • Created 4 databases of marketing and staffing information for 3 supervisors while working at Manitoba Hydro International for one summer
  • 12 years experience in curriculum development, providing engaging lectures and giving friendly and illuminating evaluations to University students
  • Excellent student response from private tutoring part time for 12 years through tailored lessons and problem-solving sessions, while maintaining communications with families
  • Designed and maintained the course website for a first-year physics course using WebCT
  • Excellent presentation and evaluation skills providing compelling and fair learning environments while working in both Masters and PhD programs

Work Experience

Data collection agent (May 2023-present)               

Service Metrics                                               

  • Manage a team that conducted customer satisfaction surveys on passengers’ security screening experiences at James Richardson International Airport
  • Present a welcoming atmosphere that put passengers at ease while facilitating prompt and accurate survey responses
  • Maintain or exceed productivity in administering surveys while monitoring and encouraging teammates

Standardized Patient (2018-present)                        

University of Manitoba

Max Rady College of Medicine

  • Simulated various conditions so that medical students could be examined on their treatment recommendations
  • Evaluated students as part of the examination process
  • Prepared various profiles so that a patient could be simulated accurately and with realistic improvisations

Online Tutor (2016-present)


  • Tutored students remotely in SQL, Excel, Math, Physics, Finance, and Chemistry maintaining average student ratings of over 4.6/5 stars for 27 consecutive months
  • Maintained sound tutoring techniques so that these students attain a broad level of comprehension of the material primarily at the grade 9 – 2nd year University level
  • Worked with instructional material including VBA for automation, ODBC connections, built-in SQL queries to client databases for real-time reporting, dashboards, etc.
  • Attended to student questions related to and adjacent to curriculum content, often requiring time sensitive research, learning and explanation of additional subject areas.

Sessional Instructor (2014-2015)                   

Canadian Mennonite University

Department of Science

Project Resources Assistant (2014)            

Manitoba Hydro International

  • Created 4 databases of marketing and staffing information for 3 supervisors
  • Assisted with the preparation of two preliminary market analysis reports

Teaching Assistant (2008-2012)

University of Western Ontario

Department of Physics and Astronomy

  • Managed student emails and a course website in WebCT for several first-year courses
  • Graded assignments and exams, assisted with curriculum development, administered courses, demonstrated experiments, etc.

Teaching Assistant (2004-2007)

Michigan State University

Department of Physics and Astronomy

Teaching Assistant (2002-2004)                                

University of Manitoba

Department of Physics and Astronomy

Data Analyst (1995-present)

Grace Lutheran Church

Music, Education, and Drama programs

  • Created custom dashboards in Tableau and Excel showing trends in giving data
  • Made use of VBA for automation, ODBC connections for periodic updates, custom SQL queries, and visualization tools to present to church staff and council
  • Founded a drama team for the church, which eventually grew into an annual dinner theatre which continued for 12 years, generating over $12 000 in net donations each year
  • Provided educational material in an engaging and memorable manner, in accordance with established curriculum and best practices.


D. Schindel and M. R. Singh, “A study of energy absorption rate in a quantum dot and metallic nanosphere hybrid system,” Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, vol. 27, p. 345301, 2015.

M. R. Singh, C. Racknor, and D. Schindel, “Controlling the photoluminescence of acceptor and donor quantum dots embedded in a nonlinear photonic crystal,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 101, p. 051115, 2012.

M. R. Singh, D. Schindel, and A. Hatef, “Dipole-dipole interaction in a quantum dot and metallic nanorod hybrid system,” Applied Physics Lettersvol. 99, p. 181106, 2011.

M. R. Singh and D. Schindel, “The theory of cylindrical photonic wires,” Solid State Communications, vol. 151, p. 582, 2011.

M. R. Singh and D. Schindel, “Photon absorption in interacting quantum dots doped in nanofibers,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B, vol. 27, p. 2759, 2010.

P. D. Loly, I. Cameron, W. Trump, and D. Schindel, “Magic Square Spectra,” Linear Algebra and its Applications, vol. 430, p. 2659, 2009.

D. Schindel, M. Rempel, and P. D. Loly, “Enumerating the bent diagonal squares of Dr. Benjamin Franklin FRS,” Proceedings of the Royal Society A, vol. 462, p. 2271, 2006.

J. M. Vail, D. Schindel, A. Yang, O. Penner, R. Pandey, H. Jiang, M. A. Blanco, A. Costales, Q. C. Qiu, and Y. Xu, “Effect of dielectric polarization on the properties of charged point defects in insulating crystals: the nitrogen vacancy in AlN,” Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, vol. 16, p. 3371, 2004.